Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror
Photo by Luis Villasmil / Unsplash

TW, CW: body dysmorphia, disordered eating, colorism, fatphobia, depression

Mirror mirror,

Have a look-see, 

Who blooms the most beauty?

It’s her not me,

That’s plain to see

Her skin is fair and 

Mine’s more deep

No matter what I do,

I can’t compete 


Did he just call me ugly?”

Mirror, mirror 

I’m skipping dinner

If I can’t be lighter 

Then I’ll be thinner

I feel lightheaded and 

My mouth is bitter

I want to stop but 

I’m no quitter 

Mirror mirror,

Care to consider?

I started bingeing and 

Now I’m bigger

My friends complain 

I won’t take pictures 

Which is fair enough 

That I figure,

But how do I tell them 

That it’s a trigger?

Mirror mirror, 

Stop torturing me,

I’m more depressed than I’ve ever been, 

You’re cruel and never say what you mean,

I’m pulling out of this sadistic scheme,

This is the last you’ll see of me.

Dearest mirror,

Yes, it’s me 

I’m back cos I’ve got some news you see,

I found my way to therapy,

It’s tough, 


I’m starting to unpack some things. 

Self-care is working wonders for me,

It’s taken me years, 

But truthfully, 

I’m starting to see, 

Me for me

Mirror, mirror 

Would you believe?

I learnt something recently,

My natural beauty reigns supreme, 

Its why your envy’s evergreen,

Seriously, jealousy’s a real disease,

Honestly, I’m glad it’s you not me

Oh well,

Have a speedy recovery,

All the best, 

Your bestie x

oneofthemany here. a sensitive one that I wrote from the perspective of a younger me. still working on how I see myself. thinking of those who are in a different stage of the journey than what was portrayed at the end of the poem. take care of yourself. with love, one.