Commuter's Commitment (Mundane Mondays) - Out Now
The song is a lo-fi jazz instrumental inspired by the infamous London commute the anti-binary artist grew up deeply entrenched in; acutely aware of its adornments of delays, overcrowded platforms, stuffy and sometimes sweltering heat, and of course its ear piercing symphony of screeches.
Image Description
An African person on the floor under a desk appearing exhausted and overwhelmed. He is wearing traditional African material, surrounded by office items: a laptop covering his face, theres wires to the right of him, a laptop bag to the left of him and on the office table theres an air purifier necklace, headphones, an ergonomic mouse, a regular mouse, a wireless keyboard, papers, a book and a wireless HDMI transmitter. The image is overall is a bluey hue.
KPIs. P & L. Business as usual. The collective groan could be heard amongst commuters everywhere when companies announced their "Return To Office” plans for 2025.
A guttural groan, from those of us burned out, hummed in harmony against silent screams that caregivers and parents swallowed so as to not startle those they care for.
As ever, Love, Builder of Worlds has created something for marginalised groups that transports you to the lived experience he is conveying through the sounds he has so carefully created.
In response, seemingly ever attuned to the quiet whispers of the masses, Love, Builder of Worlds collaborated with Manae Vaughn-Hammond to present: Commuter’s Commitment/Mundane Mondays.
The song is a lo-fi jazz instrumental inspired by the infamous London commute the anti-binary artist grew up deeply entrenched in; acutely aware of its adornments of delays, overcrowded platforms, stuffy and sometimes sweltering heat, and of course its ear piercing symphony of screeches. Commuter’s Commitment instead offers itself as a reprieve from the cacophony of chaos that is the commute, and serves the listener as a friendly accompaniment of comfort on those seemingly endless mundane Mondays and the days that follow.
Commuter's Commitment (Mundane Mondays) is now out on all streaming platforms and available to buy.
Buy Commuter's Commitment (Mundane Mondays)
Support Olólùfè Collective to help more marginalised artists share their art.
A marked departure from his debut single, punk rock anthem ‘Scared For The Climate’, Love’s eclectic taste and production skills are on full display here. While ‘Scared For The Climate’ was filled with angst and furor, Commuter’s Commitment/Mundane Mondays conveys the weight of its sentiments wordlessly, and the listener is invited to find a soft landing against the frenzied familiar.
The multidisciplinary artist prides the composition as an anti-capitalist song for the worker. Of which at one point is briefly interrupted by a voice, pulling us out of the wistful daze it had transported us to; to remind us that the shareholders of the corporations we toil for matter much more than our desperate need for work/life balance. That our restful reprieve was much like a dream, fleeting, and we must leave our overpriced housing and make that commute - burnout and Covid be damned.
As ever, Love, Builder of Worlds has created something for marginalised groups that transports you to the lived experience they are conveying through the sounds he has so carefully created. Not wishing to leave us stuck in this vicious cycle, the artist invites listeners to patronise Olólúfè Collective, a space for marginalised people to create, collaborate and practice collectivism.
Commuter’s Commitment (Mundane Mondays) is out now:
From Love, Builder of Worlds :
A huge thank you to everyone on this musical journey with me, thank you to my musical collaborators oneofthemany, Manae Vaughn-Hammond and Eoghan Tyrell and thank you to Olólùfè Collective and patrons of Olólùfè Collective.
Image Description
Love, Builder of Worlds a dark skin African person wearing a bright red mask, at a train station holding open one side of their brown hoodie with a finger.
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