Courage - Version 1.0

Courage - Version 1.0
Dah Speaking - photo taken by Chona Kasinger sourced from Disabled And Here project page.

It takes courage to express yourself
Set aside your pride
Share what's on your mind
Its good for your mental health
I hear it too
The voice speaking to you
It says sit down and zip it,
Keep calm and omit it
Hold steady, never admit it.
Stick to the story, don't quit it
Bury your true
Hid your feelings and stew
Marinate in the untruths
Let the hurt accrue

This poem is about speaking up, if you need a remember when you feel silenced I think this poem will speak to you. Its like a shot of courage?
I want us to share our stories and realities. I want to know more about marginalised people so if any of my work is alienating or discriminatory, please let me know and the poem will be taken up a version with an explanation so we can all learn together. Love from a lover x