Death Without You

Death Without You
Photo by Ales Maze / Unsplash

Content Warning: mentions of death, suicidal ideation

You keep me alive

I don't want to survive

Its death without you

No grieving

No funeral

Its death without you

Only here because you are.

If you go

Its death without you

No sad songs,

No therapy

Its death without you

Life doesn't go on

Its death without you

Whatever is on the other side

We'll find out

This world is too ugly without you

Its death without you

There's one option

There's only death without you

I wrote this poem about my sibling. We have both struggled with suicidal ideation and in recent years grown closer and essentially kept each other alive. I love my sibling so much it's difficult to imagine living without them.

Image Description

Two small purple flowers together in a sunny empty field, one flower is taller than the other.