don't forget me

don't forget me
Photo by J'Waye Covington / Unsplash

Image Description

Picture of a black person with short curly hair cut in a high top and shaved on the sides. They are wearing a grey flannel with cut off sleeves and the picture is taken from their shoulders to their head. They are facing the sky with their eyes closed. They sky is cloudy and grey. The background is slightly blurred but it appears they are standing a grassy deep green field.

CW// Relationship Grief

Hey remember me? The one you said you loved
The one who you shared endless laughs with? 
The one who you talked with about any and everything? 
You don’t remember?

But don’t you remember when we’d talk and spend time together? 
Both of us dreading the moment it would end and welling with excitement to pick up where we left off? 


When we both kept space in our hearts for each other? 
Do you still hold that space for me? 


The times when we’d just sit in silence with each other. Happy to orbit each other’s space. 
Are our planets in retrograde now?

Am I too much now?

Perhaps I bring up memories for you that you’d rather forget.
Perhaps I'm something that you want to forget.