Mask Bloc Éire - HOCL 101 Class

Mask Bloc Éire - HOCL 101 Class

Image Description

Infographic with purple shaded background with some wiggles.
Join maskblocéire for HOCl 101 class
Wednesday 26th June 2024
19:00-20:00 Irish time/ UTC+1

Class taught by SARS Safe Social online to learn what is Hypochlorous Acid, how to yse it, and how to make your own at home. "The answer to all your questions about Hypochlorous Acid."

There's an edited in white cat with grey spots with their paw on their chin and one paw on a laptop that has the maskblocéire logo on it. Next to the laptop is the logo for SARS Safe Socials which is in a different purple with a respirator in a pink circle.

Hey Everyone, hope you've all had a peaceful and restful weekend!

Join Mask bloc éire (Twitter:@maskbloceire and IG:@maskbloceire) to learn about Hypochlorous Acid as a tool for disinfection! They'll be doing it this Wed 26th of June 7PM Irish Time! If you want to join you can DM Mask bloc eire on Twitter or IG or email

The Class will be taught by SARS Safe Social - @sarssafesocials on Twitter

You can also register directly:

You can support SARS Safe Social here: