Things We Shared

Things We Shared a poem on loss, grief and death by Love, Builder of Worlds.

Things We Shared
Dice Bundy for Disabled And Here from Disabled And Here project page

Content warning: mentions of death, loss and grief.

It's all the things we shared
It's all the things we shared
All the inside jokes
All the laughter and secret looks
All the films, TV shows and books

It's all the things we shared
All the deep discussions
All the insight and encouragement
All the kind words and soul nourishment

It's all the things we shared
All the ways we understood each other
All the soul bearing
All the uncomplicated love and caring.

It's all the things we shared
It's all the ways your light was so rare
It's all the ways you were self aware
It's all the times we rescued each other from despair
It's all the ways you were there
It's all the ways you quelled my fear

It's all the things we shared
That makes your death so unfair.